Congrats to three Germanic Studies Honors Graduates: Eyshe Beirich, Thea Appelbaum Licht, and August Watcher

Eyshe Beirich is the recipient of a prestigious Beinecke Scholarship. This Fall he will begin doctoral study in Germanic Studies and Yiddish at Columbia University. Eyshe's thesis advisor and mentor was Jessica Kirzane.

Thea Appelbaum Licht is the recipient of this year's McKenzie Prize, which is awarded for the finest senior thesis produced each year in the Germanic Studies department. She has an interesting job lined up for the coming year during which she will prepare her applications for graduate school. A dual major in History (specialization: History of Science) and Germanic Studies, she was advised by Ingrid Christian.

August Wachter completed a thesis on Nietzsche's concept of affirmation. He has a dual major in Philosophy and Germanic Studies. This summer he will be working at a start-up in the lively Berlin business scene and then proceed to Vienna for academic year 23-24, where he will be supported by a Fulbright Fellowship. David Wellbery advised August on his thesis.

Scenes from the Honors Presentations, Monday, May 15
Scenes from the Honors Presentations, Monday, May 15
Scenes from the Honors Presentations, Monday, May 15