After receiving her B.A. in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, Evgenia (Gina) Marich worked as a translator and journalist before completing an M.A. in General and Comparative Literature at the Freie Universität. Her M.A. thesis investigated the use of literary tropes like metaphor, allegory and metonymy in Walter Benjamin’s collection of childhood vignettes, Berliner Kindheit um 1900. Her current project considers changing models of aesthetic experience in German literature and thought in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The treatment of visual art, music and aesthetic response in literature plays a major role, so too the aesthetics of nature. Key authors include Nietzsche, Thomas Mann and Adalbert Stifter.
Teaching Experience
German 101/102/103
Teaching Assistant for "Metaphysics, Morbidity, and Modernity: Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain"